đź“– Guide DocumentsSwagger DocumentSwagger Builder


import { NestiaSwaggerComposer } from "@nestia/sdk";
import { INestApplication } from "@nestjs/common";
import { NestFactory } from "@nestjs/core";
import { SwaggerModule } from "@nestjs/swagger";
const main = async (): Promise<void> => {
  const app: INestApplication = await NestFactory.create(ApplicationModule);
  const document = await NestiaSwaggerComposer.document(app, {});
  SwaggerModule.setup("api", app, document as any);
  await app.listen(3_000);

If you want to build Swagger Document in runtime, compose it like above.

By the way, it needs plugin configuration on the tsconfig.json file.

npx nestia swagger
npx nestia all

Otherwise you want to generate a swagger file by CLI (Command Line Interface), configure nestia.config.ts file and run the npx nestia swagger command. Then, @nestia/sdk will analyze your NestJS backend server code, and generate swagger.json file.

When you want to build not only Swagger Document file, but also SDK (Software Development Kit) library and automated E2E (End-to-End) test functions at the same time, run npx nestia all command instead.

Runtime Composition


import { NestiaSwaggerComposer } from "@nestia/sdk";
import { INestApplication } from "@nestjs/common";
import { NestFactory } from "@nestjs/core";
import { SwaggerModule } from "@nestjs/swagger";
const main = async (): Promise<void> => {
  const app: INestApplication = await NestFactory.create(ApplicationModule);
  const document = await NestiaSwaggerComposer.document(app, {
    openapi: "3.1",
    servers: [
        url: "http://localhost:3000",
        description: "Localhost"
  SwaggerModule.setup("api", app, document as any);
  await app.listen(3_000);

Call NestiaSwaggerComposer.document() function.

To compose Swagger Document in runtime and serve it through the Swagger UI in the NestJS application, import NestiaSwaggerComposer module from @nestia/sdk and call the NestiaSwaggerComposer.document() function with the INestApplication instance.

When you call the NestiaSwaggerComposer.document() function, @nestia/sdk will analyze your NestJS backed server code in the compilation level rapidly, and generate the Swagger Document object in the runtime. If you want to specify the OpenAPI version or server address(es), configure the second parameter of the NestiaSwaggerComposer.document() function.

After that, deliver the generated Swagger Document object to the SwaggerModule.setup() function of the @nestjs/swagger module. Then, the Swagger UI would be served in the http://localhost:3000/api address, and the swagger.json file would be placed on the http://localhost:3000/api-json location. Note that, as the NestJS core team and SwaggerModule.setup() function have not defined the exact OpenAPI document types, you’ve to cast the document object to any type.

Plugin Configuration

  "compilerOptions": {
    "strict": true,
    "plugins": [
      { "transform": "typia/lib/transform" },
      { "transform": "@nestia/core/lib/transform" },
      { "transform": "@nestia/sdk/lib/transform" }, // essential

Configure plugin property of tsconfig.json file like above.

To activate the runtime swagger composer by NestiaSwaggerComposer.document() function, you have to configure the plugin on the tsconfig.json file. If you’ve not done it yet, open the tsconfig.json file and configure like above. If you don’t do that, the runtime swagger composer cannot find any API operations, so that the Swagger Document would be empty.

npm install --save-dev nestia@latest
npx nestia setup --runtime true

If you feel the tsconfig.json file configuration annoying, you can do it with CLI command of nestia. Just run the npx nestia setup --runtime true command, then the tsconfig.json file would be automatically configured with the plugin property.

If you do not specify the --runtime true argument, so that run only the npx nestia setup command, the CLI prompt will ask you whether to configure the runtime argument or not. Answer as yes to configure it.

File Generation

Application Module

import { INestiaConfig } from "@nestia/sdk";
import { NestFactory } from "@nestjs/core";
// import { FastifyAdapter } from "@nestjs/platform-fastify";
import { YourModule } from "./src/YourModule";
const NESTIA_CONFIG: INestiaConfig = {
  input: async () => {
    const app = await NestFactory.create(YourModule);
    // const app = await NestFactory.create(YourModule, new FastifyAdapter());
    // app.setGlobalPrefix("api");
    // app.enableVersioning({
    //     type: VersioningType.URI,
    //     prefix: "v",
    // })
    return app;
  swagger: {
    openapi: "3.1",
    output: "dist/swagger.json",
    security: {
      bearer: {
        type: "apiKey",
        name: "Authorization",
        in: "header",
    servers: [
        url: "http://localhost:3000",
        description: "Local Server",
    beautify: true,
export default NESTIA_CONFIG;

Make nestia.config.ts file and run npx nestia swagger command.

At first, create nestia.config.ts file through npx nestia init command. It would be placed on the top level directory of your NestJS backend project. For reference, tsconfig.json file also must be placed in the top level directory, too. After creation, configure the nestia.config.ts file referencing above example code and type definition.

At least, you’ve to configure those two properties:

  • input: Accessor of controller classes
  • swagger.output: Path of swagger.json file

When you’ve completed above configuration, just run npx nestia swagger command. Then, swagger.json file would be newly generated, and placed into the $config.swagger.output directory following your nestia.config.ts configuration.

Multiple Files Generation

import { INestiaConfig } from "@nestia/sdk";
import { NestFactory } from "@nestjs/core";
import { AppModule } from "./src/modules/AppModule";
import { BbsModule } from "./src/modules/BbsModule";
import { CommonModule } from "./src/modules/CommonModule";
export const NESTIA_CONFIGURATIONS: INestiaConfig[] = [
    input: () => NestFactory.create(AppModule),
    swagger: {
      output: "swagger.json",
      security: {
        bearer: {
          type: "apiKey",
    input: () => NestFactory.create(BbsModule),
    swagger: {
      output: "bbs.swagger.json",
      security: {
        bearer: {
          type: "apiKey",
    input: () => NestFactory.create(CommonModule),
    swagger: {
      output: "common.swagger.json",
      security: {
        bearer: {
          type: "apiKey",

You can build multiple Swagger Document files.

Just configure an array of INestiaConfig instances like above example code.

Then, @nestia/sdk will generate multiple Swagger Document files following the configurations.

Additional Properties

Additionally, you can configure the swagger property in the nestia.config.ts file.

  • swagger.openapi: OpenAPI version specification.
    • "2.0"
    • "3.0"
    • "3.1" (default)
  • swagger.beautify: Whether to beautify JSON content or not.
  • swagger.info: API information. If not configured, package.json content be utilized instead.
  • swagger.servers: List of server addresses.
  • swagger.security: Security schemes.
  • swagger.tags: List of tag names with description.
  • swagger.decompose: Whether to decompose query DTO as individual parameters.
  • swagger.operationId: Operation ID generator.

For reference, if you do not configure swagger.info property or omit some members of the information instance, @nestia/sdk will utilize your package.json file content instead. For example, if you omit the swagger.info.version, your package.json file’s version property would be written instead.

Also, whether you configure swagger.openapi version or not, the newly generated swagger.file starts from the OpenAPI v3.1 specification emended by @samchon/openapi. If your target OpenAPI version is lower than v3.1, @nestia/sdk just downgrades the newly generated OpenAPI v3.1 content by calling OpenApi.downgrade() function.

See detailed options:

export namespace INestiaConfig {
   * Building `swagger.json` is also possible.
  export interface ISwaggerConfig {
     * Output path of the `swagger.json`.
     * If you've configured only directory, the file name would be the `swagger.json`.
     * Otherwise you've configured the full path with file name and extension, the
     * `swagger.json` file would be renamed to it.
    output: string;
     * OpenAPI version.
     * If you configure this property to be `2.0` or `3.0`, the newly generated
     * `swagger.json` file would follow the specified OpenAPI version. The newly
     * generated `swagger.json` file would be downgraded from the OpenAPI v3.1
     * specification by {@link OpenApi.downgrade} method.
     * @default 3.1
    openapi?: "2.0" | "3.0" | "3.1";
     * Whether to beautify JSON content or not.
     * If you configure this property to be `true`, the `swagger.json` file would
     * be beautified with indentation (2 spaces) and line breaks. If you configure
     * numeric value instead, the indentation would be specified by the number.
     * @default false
    beautify?: boolean | number;
     * API information.
     * If omitted, `package.json` content would be used instead.
    info?: Partial<OpenApi.IDocument.IInfo>;
     * List of server addresses.
    servers?: OpenApi.IServer[];
     * Security schemes.
     * When generating `swagger.json` file through `nestia`, if your controllers or
     * theirs methods have a security key which is not enrolled in here property,
     * it would be an error.
    security?: Record<string, OpenApi.ISecurityScheme>;
     * List of tag names with description.
     * It is possible to omit this property or skip some tag name even if
     * the tag name is used in the API routes. In that case, the tag name
     * would be used without description.
     * Of course, if you've written a comment like `@tag {name} {description}`,
     * you can entirely replace this property specification.
    tags?: OpenApi.IDocument.ITag[];
     * Decompose query DTO.
     * If you configure this property to be `true`, the query DTO would be decomposed
     * into individual query parameters per each property. Otherwise you set it to be
     * `false`, the query DTO would be one object type which contains all of query
     * parameters.
     * @default false
    decompose?: boolean;
     * Operation ID generator.
     * @param props Properties of the API endpoint.
     * @returns Operation ID.
    operationId?(props: {
      class: string;
      function: string;
      method: "HEAD" | "GET" | "POST" | "PUT" | "PATCH" | "DELETE";
      path: string;
    }): string;

CLI Arguments

npx nestia swagger
npx nestia swagger --config nestia2.config.ts
npx nestia swagger --project tsconfig2.json
npx nestia swagger --config nestia3.config.ts --project tsconfig3.tsconfig.json

If you have a special configuration file that its file name is not nestia.config.ts or the configuration file is not placed on the root directory of the project, you can specify it with --config option like npx nestia swagger --config another.config.ts.

Also, if you have a special tsconfig.json file or the project file is not located in the root directory of the project, you can specify it with --project argument like npx nestia swagger --project another.tsconfig.json, too.

Special Tags

NestJS Decorators

Swagger generator for @nestia/sdk supports some NestJS decorators. Here is the list of them.

  • @nestjs/common
    • @Header()
    • @HttpCode()
    • @Version()
  • @nestjs/swagger
    • @ApiBasicAuth()
    • @ApiBearerAuth()
    • @ApiOAuth2()
    • @ApiSecurity()
    • @ApiTags()
    • @ApiExtension()
  • @nestia/core
    • @TypedException()
    • @SwaggerExample.Parameter()
    • @SwaggerExample.Response()

Controller Methods

Swagger generator @nestia/sdk supports three type of comment tags for controller methods:

  • Hiding
    • @deprecated: mark as deprecated
    • @internal: hide, never be shown
    • @hidden: hide, never be shown
    • @ignore: hide, never be shown, even in the SDK side
  • Labeling
    • @summary : short description of endpoint
    • @tag {name} {description?}: grouppig with description
    • @operationId {value}: manual operation ID
  • Security
    • @security {key}: security scheme key
    • @security {key} {...scopes}: +scopes for OAuth2 type

At first, @internal, @hidden and @ignore tags are used to hide the controller method from the Swagger Documents. When you use one of them, the controller method would not be written in the swagger.json file. Otherwise, the @deprecated tag is used to mark the controller method as deprecated. When you use it, Swagger Editor will show the deprecated message about the route method like below.

Also, the @summary tag is used to write short description of the endpoint. By the way, the @summary tag can be replaced by writing top sentence ends with . symbol. The other one, @tag {name} {description?} tag is used for only grouping. If you fill the description part, it would be shown in the Swagger-UI.

The last one, @security is a tag for security scheme. It specifies target security scheme by writing its key like @security {key}. If target scheme type is OAuth2, and it has configured scopes, you can specify the scopes by writing scopes at the backward like @security {key} read write.

For reference, target security schemes must be configured in the nestia.config.ts file. If you use @security tag that is not configured in the nestia.config.ts file, it would be an error. Also, if you’ve configured @nestia/swagger security decorator like @ApiSecurity, @nestia/sdk also can recognize it too.

import { TypedBody, TypedParam, TypedRoute } from "@nestia/core";
import { Controller } from "@nestjs/common";
import { ApiSecurity } from "@nestjs/swagger";
import typia, { tags } from "typia";
import { IBbsArticle } from "@api/lib/structures/IBbsArticle";
export class BbsArticlesController {
   * Would be shown without any mark.
   * @param section Section code
   * @param input Content to store
   * @returns Newly archived article
   * @tag public Some description describing public group...
   * @summary Public API
   * @security bearer
   * @security oauth2 read write
  public async store(
    @TypedParam("section") section: string,
    @TypedBody() input: IBbsArticle.IStore,
  ): Promise<IBbsArticle> {
    return {
   * Deprecated API.
   * Would be marked as "deprecated".
   * For reference, top sentence "Deprecated API." can replace the `@summary` tag.
   * @param section Section code
   * @param id Target article ID
   * @param input Content to update
   * @returns Updated content
   * @deprecated
   * @operationId updateArticle
   * @security basic
   * @security bearer
  public async update(
    @TypedParam("section") section: string,
    @TypedParam("id") id: string & tags.Format<"uuid">,
    @TypedBody() input: IBbsArticle.IStore,
  ): Promise<IBbsArticle> {
    return {
   * Would not be shown.
   * @internal
  @ApiSecurity("custom") // LEGACY DECORATOR ALSO CAN BE USED
  public erase(
    @TypedParam("section") section: string,
    @TypedParam("id") id: string & tags.Format<"uuid">,
  ): void {

Swagger Editor

DTO Properties


You can utilize comments and tags to construct special fields of JSON schema.

If you write any comment on a property, it would fill the IJsonSchema.description value. When you utilize Special tags of typia, they would be placed into the proper properties of IJsonSchema. Below is the list of supported type and comment tags in the @nestia/sdk.

Also, such type and comment tags of DTO properties can be used to enhance validation logic of @nestia/core library. Especially, @TypedBody.${method}(), @TypedParam(), @TypedRoute() and @TypedQuery() functions can use those tags for additional validation.

Let’s see how those type and comment tags work with example code.

  • number
    • number & Type<{keyword}>
      • int32
      • uint32
      • uint64
      • int64
      • float
      • double
    • number & Minimum<{number}>
    • number & Maximum<{number}>
    • number & ExclusiveMaximum<{number}>
    • number & ExclusiveMinimum<{number}>
    • number & MultipleOf<{number}>
  • bigint
    • bigint & Type<{keyword}>
      • int64
      • uint64
    • bigint & Minimum<{bigint}>
    • bigint & Maximum<{bigint}>
    • bigint & ExclusiveMaximum<{bigint}>
    • bigint & ExclusiveMinimum<{bigint}>
    • bigint & MultipleOf<{bigint}>
  • string
    • string & MinLength<{number}>
    • string & MaxLength<{number}>
    • string & Pattern<{regex}>
    • string & Format<{keyword}>
      • email
      • uuid
      • ipv4
      • ipv6
      • url
      • date: YYYY-MM-DD
      • date-time: Date.toISOString()
export interface SpecialTag {
   * Deprecated tags are just used for marking.
   * @title Unsigned integer
   * @deprecated
  type: number & tags.Type<"uint32">;
   * Internal tagged property never be shown in JSON schema.
   * It even doesn't be shown in other `typia` functions like `assert<T>()`.
   * @internal
  internal: number[];
   * Hidden tagged property never be shown in JSON schema.
   * However, it would be shown in other `typia` functions like `stringify<T>()`.
   * @hidden
  hidden: boolean;
   * You can limit the range of number.
   * Also, you can configure `default` property by comment tag.
   * @default 30
  number?: number & tags.ExclusiveMinimum<19> & tags.Maximum<100>;
   * You can limit the length of string.
  string: string & tags.MinLength<3>;
   * You can limit the pattern of string.
  pattern: string & tags.Pattern<"^[a-z]+$">;
   * You can limit the format of string.
  format: null | (string & tags.Format<"date-time">);
   * You also can perform union type in type tags.
  ip: string & (tags.Format<"ipv4"> | tags.Format<"ipv6">);
   * In the Array case, only type tags can limit elements' type.
  array: Array<string & tags.Format<"uuid">> &
    tags.MinItems<3> &


Typia > JSON schema > Customization

If what you want is not just filling special properties of JSON schema spec, but to adding custom properties into the JSON schema definition, you can accomlish it with typia feature. Define a type based on typia.tags.TagBase or typia.tags.JsonSchemaPlugin, and specify the schema property type as you want.

For reference, the custom property must be started with x- prefix. It’s a rule of JSON schema.

import typia, { tags } from "typia";
type Monetary<Value extends string> = tags.TagBase<{
  target: "number";
  kind: "monetary";
  value: Value;
  schema: {
    "x-monetary": Value;
type Placeholder<Value extends string> = tags.JsonSchemaPlugin<{
  "x-placeholder": Value;
interface IAccount {
  code: string & Placeholder<"Write you account code please">;
  balance: number & Monetary<"dollar">;

Otherwise you wanna customize the swagger data, utilize the @SwaggerCustomizer() decorator.

As you can see from the below example code, callback function defined in the @SwaggerCustomizer() decorator is changing the swagger data, because it is called when the npx nestia swagger command being executed. Furthermore, it is possible to add plugin property starting with x- characters.

Also, this @SwaggerCustomizer() decorator is especially useful when defining an authentication decorator. Developing the authentication logic in the decorator function, apply the @SwaggerCustomizer() with OpenApi.IOperation.security property. Then whenever the decorator function is called, the security scheme would be added into the swagger data.

import { ExecutionContext, createParamDecorator } from "@nestjs/common";
import { Singleton } from "tstl";
import { ShoppingSellerProvider } from "../providers/shoppings/actors/ShoppingSellerProvider";
import { SwaggerCustomizer } from "@nestia/core";
export const ShoppingSellerAuth =
  (): ParameterDecorator =>
    target: Object,
    propertyKey: string | symbol | undefined,
    parameterIndex: number
  ): void => {
    SwaggerCustomizer((props) => {
      props.route.security ??= [];
        bearer: [],
    })(target, propertyKey as string, undefined!);
    singleton.get()(target, propertyKey, parameterIndex);
const singleton = new Singleton(() =>
  createParamDecorator(async (_0: any, ctx: ExecutionContext) => {
    const request = ctx.switchToHttp().getRequest();
    return ShoppingSellerProvider.authorize(request);


You can choose two options for swagger.json file distribution.

The 1st is publishing the swagger.json file in a public repo, and showing it through @nestia/editor like below:

The 2nd way is to hosting the swagger.json file in the NestJS backend server.

Read below example code, and follow it on yours:

import { NestiaSwaggerComposer } from "@nestia/sdk";
import { INestApplication } from "@nestjs/common";
import { NestFactory } from "@nestjs/core";
import { SwaggerModule } from "@nestjs/swagger";
const main = async (): Promise<void> => {
  const app: INestApplication = await NestFactory.create(ApplicationModule);
  const document = await NestiaSwaggerComposer.document(app, {});
  SwaggerModule.setup("api", app, document as any);
  await app.listen(3_000);