Additional options for the fetch function.

Almost same with RequestInit type of the fetch function, but body, headers and method properties are omitted.

The reason why defining duplicated definition of RequestInit is for legacy NodeJS environments, which does not have the fetch function type.

interface IOptions {
        | "default"
        | "force-cache"
        | "no-cache"
        | "no-store"
        | "only-if-cached"
        | "reload";
    credentials?: "omit"
    | "same-origin"
    | "include";
    integrity?: string;
    keepalive?: boolean;
    mode?: "same-origin" | "cors" | "navigate" | "no-cors";
    redirect?: "error" | "follow" | "manual";
    referrer?: string;
        | ""
        | "same-origin"
        | "no-referrer"
        | "no-referrer-when-downgrade"
        | "origin"
        | "origin-when-cross-origin"
        | "strict-origin"
        | "strict-origin-when-cross-origin"
        | "unsafe-url";
    signal?: null
    | AbortSignal;


    | "default"
    | "force-cache"
    | "no-cache"
    | "no-store"
    | "only-if-cached"
    | "reload"

A string indicating how the request will interact with the browser's cache to set request's cache.

credentials?: "omit" | "same-origin" | "include"

A string indicating whether credentials will be sent with the request always, never, or only when sent to a same-origin URL. Sets request's credentials.

integrity?: string

A cryptographic hash of the resource to be fetched by request.

Sets request's integrity.

keepalive?: boolean

A boolean to set request's keepalive.

mode?: "same-origin" | "cors" | "navigate" | "no-cors"

A string to indicate whether the request will use CORS, or will be restricted to same-origin URLs.

Sets request's mode.

redirect?: "error" | "follow" | "manual"

A string indicating whether request follows redirects, results in an error upon encountering a redirect, or returns the redirect (in an opaque fashion).

Sets request's redirect.

referrer?: string

A string whose value is a same-origin URL, "about:client", or the empty string, to set request's referrer.

    | ""
    | "same-origin"
    | "no-referrer"
    | "no-referrer-when-downgrade"
    | "origin"
    | "origin-when-cross-origin"
    | "strict-origin"
    | "strict-origin-when-cross-origin"
    | "unsafe-url"

A referrer policy to set request's referrerPolicy.

signal?: null | AbortSignal

An AbortSignal to set request's signal.