Configuration for Nestia Agent.

INestiaAgentConfig is an interface that defines the configuration properties of the NestiaAgent. With this configuration, you can set the user's locale, timezone, and some of system prompts.

Also, you can affect to the LLM function selecing/calling logic by configuring additional properties. For an example, if you configure the capacity property, the A.I. chatbot will divide the functions into the several groups with the configured capacity and select proper functions to call by operating the multiple LLM function selecting agents parallelly.

Jeongho Nam -

interface INestiaAgentConfig {
    capacity?: number;
    eliticism?: boolean;
    locale?: string;
    retry?: number;
    systemPrompt?: INestiaAgentSystemPrompt;
    timezone?: string;


capacity?: number

Capacity of the LLM function selecting.

When the A.I. chatbot selects a proper function to call, if the number of functions registered in the INestiaAgentProps.applications is too much greater, the A.I. chatbot often fallen into the hallucination.

In that case, if you configure this property value, NestiaChatAgent will divide the functions into the several groups with the configured capacity and select proper functions to call by operating the multiple LLM function selecting agents parallelly.

eliticism?: boolean

Eliticism for the LLM function selecting.

If you configure capacity, the A.I. chatbot will complete the candidate functions to call which are selected by the multiple LLM function selecting agents.

Otherwise you configure this property as false, the A.I. chatbot will not complete the candidate functions to call and just accept every candidate functions to call which are selected by the multiple LLM function selecting agents.

locale?: string

Locale of the A.I. chatbot.

If you configure this property, the A.I. chatbot will conversate with the given locale. You can get the locale value by

  • Browser: navigator.language
  • NodeJS: process.env.LANG.split(".")[0]
retry?: number

Retry count.

If LLM function calling composed arguments are invalid, the A.I. chatbot will retry to call the function with the modified arguments.

By the way, if you configure it to 0 or 1, the A.I. chatbot will not retry the LLM function calling for correcting the arguments.


System prompt messages.

System prompt messages if you want to customize the system prompt messages for each situation.

timezone?: string

Timezone of the A.I. chatbot.

If you configure this property, the A.I. chatbot will consider the given timezone. You can get the timezone value by Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone.
